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Turn A Liability Into An Asset

How quickly life can change…

So many women find themselves, as Siobhan did, acting life a 14-year old girl around the guys they’re attracted to! Having dull conversations, nothing interesting to say, and being incredibly nervous and intimidated.

If you’ve been single for a long time, you know that you can have a great life, great friends, great connections with your family, but if this area isn’t right, nothing feels right.

When you’re in this place, if you’re stuck on what to do, it’s easy to convince yourself that you don’t really want it; that you’re okay continuing life on your own.

It’s sometimes easier than facing up to the reality that you’re not where you want to be. Again I want to congratulate you for picking up this book and coming this far. In doing so you’ve taken the first step in getting what you really want.

To get out of this rut you need to learn how to talk to the guys you’re attracted to, and how you can bring the same amazing version of you to the table that you know you can be when relaxed around your friends.

Siobhan’s journey took off by being around an inspiring group of people, having fun, and by making very small shifts in her life.

I wanted to show you her story as an example of how quickly things can change, and to demonstrate what’s possible.

If you get proactive and make small decisions, big things happen.

The tiniest decisions in life can lead to the biggest changes. Siobhan made small decisions along the way; the decision to go on a website, to come to an event, to go and talk to a guy, to suck it up and go out after work even though it’s been a long and hard day… And all of these things have an impact that can change your life dramatically.

Life doesn’t always hand you the perfect thing to say in moments when you know you should speak to someone. A lot of the time your only inspiration is the fact that you’re going over. But in making small changes, in taking small risks, things happen.

Extraordinary results don’t come from extraordinary actions.

Ordinary things done consistently produce extraordinary results.

If you don’t think it’s going to happen for you, or you don’t feel like you can get the result you’re looking for, the message I want you to take away is this: do something.

It doesn’t matter what you do, you can take the next step of your journey with me, you can take what you’ve learned in the book and put that straight into practice alone, just do something.

Choose to be proactive instead of reactive. Choose to create not wait.

When you do, the most extraordinary things can happen in your life, and you could be the next story we’re able to talk about.

How many new men do you meet in an average week?

This is the question that caused Siobhan to take stock and reevaluate what she was doing. Her answer at the time was zero. Now look where she is after the programme!

If you want to go through the experience of our live events like Siobhan, now’s the time to sign up. Get proactive in a way that you never thought possible, come together with women who will drive you to heights you didn’t think you could reach, and push your comfort zones beyond what you ever would alone.

If geographically you can’t make a live event, my online programme The Man Myth is the next best thing, and covers everything from the events that Siobhan first came along to.