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Start Creating Now

I want to kick things off with a very short and simple concept, but one that will set the tone for the whole book.

Wait or Create

Let’s simplify this whole area: we have two options in our love lives, we can either wait or we can create.

We can create results, create opportunities, create interactions with the people we want, create unique and magical moments, create social opportunities to go out and make things happen… It’s our choice and ultimately our decision to go out and do something.

The beauty is of this approach is that there’s a thousand ways to create, and only one way to wait.

To wait we do nothing; to create we just have to do something.

When we create, things are going to go wrong, sure, but things will go right too.

The clip that you’ve seen above has been taken from my programme The Man Myth. This is my foundational programme, a lot of which is focused on dispelling myths that are likely to be holding you back right now in your love life. Myths about dating, relationships, and most importantly, men.